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i offer up my tithings every weekend on the F subway train starting at Bergen sermon after sermon offers body, mind, & holy ghost to a choir full of saints these fading, familiarly firm seats demand your periphery acknowledge the sensational service before you Preach Preach Preach my mellow curly-headed soul light up our spirits with your psalms on the congo drums and the hums of old hymns passed down from elder lips transmuted with quick sticks & orange bucket beats played by hip kids with cool tricks & stiff lips stuffed with the tongues of salvation In this nation we don’t need savin we need a full on armageddon
Jasmine is a queer artist-activist & communal storyteller based in Brooklyn, NY, on unceded Lenape land. They're devoted to unearthing varied perspectives of what it is to be human, and they strive to center joy, liberation, healing, and a reclamation of our relationship to the land.